Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ready, Set, Show ~ Closet Clutter

Out of Sight, Out of Mind! Really??

Post #7 - Bedroom Closets

Do you remember the episode of "Friends" where everyone was wondering what Monica was hiding in the hall closet. Monica kept the door looked all the time and no one else was allowed to see what was in there. It peaked every one's curiosity and the friends tried every way imaginable to get into the closet.

photo courtesy of

If you remember Monica's personality, you'll recall that she was a compulsive "Neat Freak." So when the friends were finally able to make their way into the closet, they were in shock that the closet was in comlete shambles. They could not believe their friend that had such a compulsion about neatness would have a closet brimming at the gills with junk.

Does this ever feel like you? Do you feel like you end up throwing things behind closed doors just to get it out of sight? We probably all do a little of this whether we'd like to admit it or not. And guess what? If you are trying to sell your home, guess who is going to look in your closets?? EVERYONE!
Scary, huh?

So what in the world do you do to prepare that space that has been "Out of sight, out mind." Let's look at some well organized closets and tips that will allow our "stuff" to find a place to call its own.

First, clean out the closet from top to bottom.

Create four separate piles labeled: Keep, Repair, Donations and Chunk.
This system will alleviate a lot of frustration while cleaning out and wanting to put the same items right back into the closet.

Next, it is to your advantage to purchase closet organizers, baskets and hooks. These items will allow you to group like items together and all items will have a home.

But what if you don't want to put a lot of money into your closet because the goal is to move to a different location? You don't have to buy expensive organizers. Plastic containers and baskets from any dollar store will work just as well. Just try to keep the colors neutral and consistent. This will look more pleasing to the eye and less distracting.

Don't forget the top of the closet. This space is often overlooked as usable space. We don't realize that we can mount things way up high out of reach. Just be sure to mount shelving properly and don't overload the shelves. This is a great place for out of season items.

And last, a step stool is a must. If you have any shelving that is above arms reach, you must have a step stool. A stool will eliminate the need to throw items up on the shelf in hopes that it will stay up there.

The number one tip is: You just have to start...and do it! Good luck and let us know if we can help.

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