Sunday, September 27, 2009

Welcome to reDECOR!

Well, here we go!!

What do you do when your passion for design can't be contained? What do you do when two mutual friends have a desire to work with fabric, paint, furniture and accessories?? What do you do when one friend has 16 years of professional design experience and one friend has been a home enthusiast for 20 years???

Team UP!!

Connie and Jennifer have teamed up to become the girls of

reDECOR. We are offering several services that will

Maximize Your Home's Potential!

Our services include working with clients who are on a budget and need a fresh look with new items or existing items. We can redesign by simply using your items in a new way or rearranging your existing furniture. We also can be your personal design shopper. We will purchase just the right items that will add the the harmony that your home needs. Also, we offer designs that include painting, custom window treatments and all the finishing touches that will add the sparkle that your home may be lacking. We also do seasonal home-staging. This service is offered for holidays, parties and important meetings.

Not quite sure what your home needs? Call Connie and Jennifer at reDECOR for your personalized consultation today.

205.999.0182 or 256.339.8552

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