Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Last, but Not Least -Basements & Garages

Ready, Set, Show! ~

Basements - they're unfinished storage spaces or usable living space. Either way, when showing your home, they need to be presented in the best possible way.

The basement is a common place for a media or family room. Make sure you present them in a clean and uncluttered manner. And if you're fortunate to have natural light in your basement, by all means, make the most of it! Remove any window coverings that block the light. Using a light colored paint on the walls will make the space feel bigger and brighter. A mirror hung on the wall is a great way to spread the light around the room. Adequate lighting is also important, so if the room seems dark, add some lamps.

Finished Basement modern family room

Basement Remodeling Projects executed by our TBF Dealers. eclectic

The garage for most folks is a storage room. The key to making this room appealing to a buyer is organization. If your garage is full of stuff, then the buyer is left with the impression that the home is lacking in storage, so pick up and put away! By getting objects up off of the floor, you instantly create a more organized and spacious room. If you're willing to go the extra step, use some color and creativity to liven up that space.

Now, this is a garage that I can imagine myself spending some time in, and that is your goal when selling your house. If you can make a person picture themselves living in your house, then you'll be on your way to a sell, and a new home!

We hope you've enjoyed our Ready, Set, Show! series, and whether you're selling your home, or not, we hope you've been inspired!

Until next time,

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ready, Set, Show ~ A Fresh Approach

Ready, Set, Show - Laundry Rooms

What do you think the hardest working room in your home would be? Hands down, the Laundry Room would rank very close to the top. Clothing seems to be continually thrown between clean and soiled. So much "behind the scenes work," goes on in the laundry room. In an instant, a clean laundry room can become disheveled. Every individual adds more chaos to this room and you have to attempt to work in this space. So how do you keep such a busy room clutter free and presentable while your home is on the market? Let's look at a few examples of some fresh and airy laundry rooms.

Photo courtesy of Inspired DIY

Photo courtesy of Material Girls Blog

Photo courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens

Photo courtesy of The Linen Cupboard Blog

Photos courtesy of Iffers Little Nest Blog

So it seems that baskets, containers and shelving are the biggest hit in a well oiled Laundry Room. Items tend to find a home when they have a designated place to land. Grab you a few baskets and start labeling them for all of those every day "must have items."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's Spring Break!!

If you've been missing us, well, we've taken a little time away with our families to enjoy Spring Break.

We will resume our series next week, so be sure to check back with us then.

Dogwood Blooms

Now, enjoy the rest of your week and thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ready, Set, Show! ~ Throw In Some Fun - Game/Playrooms

Post # 10 in the Ready, Set, Show! Series

If you're fortunate to have a game room or playroom, then, good news! These rooms are great selling features for a home, and by following a few tips, you can set the stage for a willing buyer.

Your room may just need a good dose of organization. Investing in shelving, storage closets, and bins is money well spent. Putting away all toys, games, and craft supplies is a must. Now is a good time to donate or throw away items that you no longer use or want.

A coat of paint can bring freshness to your space. And the same updates that are important in other areas of your house, such as new lighting fixtures, apply to the playroom also. If the room lacks adequate lighting, add some fun lamps.

Keeping the playroom tidy may be a lot of extra work, but having your room ready for a showing is well worth the effort.

Everyone can appreciate a well organized space. It helps a buyer envision themselves living there, instead of getting distracted by the clutter.

Have your game room tables set and ready to play, and...

you'll be on your way to a new fun room in no time! Happy Selling!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ready, Set, Show! It's Study Time

Post #9 - Home Office and Study

What do you do with all those papers in the home office during the selling process? Where do you conceal the papers, but still have quick access to them? Some home offices consist of an area in the living space that has been designated as a study area. The main thing you are wanting to do is portray a clean, uncluttered functional space. You'll only want a few things on the actual desktop. Let's look at a few things that will show off your home office without giving up convenience.

First, clear desktop of any clutter and loose papers.

File papers away into a filing cabinet or decorative filing folders.

Secure any important paperwork that contains sensitive information and numbers. You'll want to guard these like you would any expensive personal item.

Then, you can add decorative magazine holders, baskets and boxes to contain any loose items. You can find these at all the big box stores and hobby stores at reasonable prices. Try to get some that are neutral or coordinate with your color scheme.

Finally, if your desk lamp is dated, you could update it for a minimal cost. Remember to have the lamp lit during a showing.

So now your office area is lit and decluttered, grab your favorite drink and enjoy sitting at your desk while you are doing your office work.



Monday, March 29, 2010

Ready, Set, Show! ~ Making a Splash in the Bath

Post #8 of the Ready, Set, Show! Series

When your house is on the market, your bathrooms should look like no one has used them. Have they been cleaned 'til they sparkle? Do they look new?

surfers end bath eclectic bathroom

If your bathroom is dated, a few inexpensive changes can bring your bath up to date: replacing light fixtures, faucets, and medicine cabinets, or mirrors all make a big impact without breaking the bank. And the best part is you get a high return on your investment for any bath upgrades you do.

Bathroom with a View eclectic bathroom

When staging your bathroom, think "spa". New towels, a coordinating fabric shower curtain, and candles in a neutral color will help you create that spa feeling. Flameless candles are perfect because you can turn them on for a showing, create a relaxing ambiance, and not have to worry about risking a fire.

main bath eclectic bathroom

No amount of staging will matter if your various personal items, such as hair dryers, toothpaste, kids' toys, and the toilet brush aren't stored away. Remember, you want your bath to look as if it isn't being used on a daily basis. Yes, this will take effort, but the work will go a long way in selling your house quickly.

James Wagman Architect, LLC - Apartment - Riverside Dr eclectic bathroom

Here are some finishing touches that will give your bath an air of luxury and a spa feel:

Fresh Scent
Yummy Smelling Soaps
Big Mirrors
Fluffy Towels
Pretty Storage Containers or Baskets
Warm Robe & Slippers

Nautical Bathroom eclectic bathroom

Here's to your baths making a splash!

Until next time,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ready, Set, Show ~ Closet Clutter

Out of Sight, Out of Mind! Really??

Post #7 - Bedroom Closets

Do you remember the episode of "Friends" where everyone was wondering what Monica was hiding in the hall closet. Monica kept the door looked all the time and no one else was allowed to see what was in there. It peaked every one's curiosity and the friends tried every way imaginable to get into the closet.

photo courtesy of sharetv.org

If you remember Monica's personality, you'll recall that she was a compulsive "Neat Freak." So when the friends were finally able to make their way into the closet, they were in shock that the closet was in comlete shambles. They could not believe their friend that had such a compulsion about neatness would have a closet brimming at the gills with junk.

Does this ever feel like you? Do you feel like you end up throwing things behind closed doors just to get it out of sight? We probably all do a little of this whether we'd like to admit it or not. And guess what? If you are trying to sell your home, guess who is going to look in your closets?? EVERYONE!
Scary, huh?

So what in the world do you do to prepare that space that has been "Out of sight, out mind." Let's look at some well organized closets and tips that will allow our "stuff" to find a place to call its own.

First, clean out the closet from top to bottom.

Create four separate piles labeled: Keep, Repair, Donations and Chunk.
This system will alleviate a lot of frustration while cleaning out and wanting to put the same items right back into the closet.

Next, it is to your advantage to purchase closet organizers, baskets and hooks. These items will allow you to group like items together and all items will have a home.

But what if you don't want to put a lot of money into your closet because the goal is to move to a different location? You don't have to buy expensive organizers. Plastic containers and baskets from any dollar store will work just as well. Just try to keep the colors neutral and consistent. This will look more pleasing to the eye and less distracting.

Don't forget the top of the closet. This space is often overlooked as usable space. We don't realize that we can mount things way up high out of reach. Just be sure to mount shelving properly and don't overload the shelves. This is a great place for out of season items.

And last, a step stool is a must. If you have any shelving that is above arms reach, you must have a step stool. A stool will eliminate the need to throw items up on the shelf in hopes that it will stay up there.

The number one tip is: You just have to start...and do it! Good luck and let us know if we can help.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ready, Set, Show! ~ Bedroom Eyes

Post #6

I am a visual person and I love to look at pictures. I thoroughly enjoyed perusing through boocoos of photos for today's post and I think the photos featured today speak for themselves so I'm keeping my comments brief....

AbbeyK, Inc. traditional bedroom

What comes to your mind when you look at these photos? For me, they evoke a feeling of rest, serenity, and relaxation - a sanctuary if you will. A place that I'd like to curl up in and stay awhile.

Guest Room Redesign traditional bedroom

That is your goal when staging your bedroom. You want the buyer to be able to envision themselves living there. So, some important points in staging the bedroom:

-Keep the wall color and bedding neutral. A busy pattern on the bed will prevent anyone from actually looking at the room.
-Symmetry works beautifully in a master bedroom and conveys to the buyer that it's a retreat for two: bedside tables, lamps, and pillows can be used symmetrically.
-Layering pillows and bed linens adds luxury

C O B U R N - A R C H I T E C T U R E traditional bedroom

Don't be afraid to use pops of color to add interest, just be sure and stay away from gender specific colors and patterns like pink and florals.

C O B U R N - A R C H I T E C T U R E traditional bedroom

And about the kids' rooms....

Beverly Hills  kids

Make sure they're clean with a minimum of toys, no diaper pails please...

kids bedroom modern kids

Again, neutral walls and bedding make a nice impression. The map wall may be a bit gender specific - it was a big hit with a certain 10 year old boy, but the rest of the room is neutral and very organized.

Beverly Hills  kids

Set the kids' bedrooms as a place of rest and study. By keeping the toys to a minimum, you keep away the chaos.

And of course, the bedroom closet is an important feature to a buyer, after all, they want to see if there is adequate storage space for their clothing. Our next post will be all about closets and storage spaces, so look for that post on Thursday.

Now that I've given you a few tips on how to use those bedroom eyes, you can create a wonderful space of your own, even if you won't be staying there for too long...

Until Thursday,

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ready, Set, Show ~ Dining In!

Ready, Set, Show! Are you ready to "Dine In?"

Post #6 ~ Dining Rooms

How many dining rooms have you seen become "Catch All" rooms? Sometimes rooms that are used infrequently become clutter catchers. Dining rooms are probably pretty high on the clutter catcher list. So how do you keep this room a "Dining Room" instead of a conglomeration of sorts. Let's take a look at some tips that will help maintain the dining room for every day life and during the selling process.

(Photo Courtesy of My Home Ideas)

First, clear away any items that do not belong in the dining room and place them in their proper places.

Remove any stained rugs from the room. A room without a rug will show better than a soiled rug. If there is money in the budget you could purchase a neutral rug for the floor. Rugs with natural fibers such as sisal, jute or seagrass are very versatile and cost effective.

Next, take a look at your lighting. Is it dated? If it is, you can possibly spruce it up with a fresh coat of spray paint and new shades. The best result may be to purchase a new fixture. Light fixtures have become very economical these days.

A pleasant and inviting dining room would have place settings on the table for guests. Keep it simple and not too fussy. Hopefully, the potential homeowner could see themselves making special memories while dining in this space.

Also, a fresh bouquet of flowers for the table centerpiece or some coordinating candlesticks will create a finished look for the table.

And last, if you have a china cabinet or hutch that displays dishes and stemware, you must remove any items that take up too much space. Light and airy is the theme you want to portray. Too many items shout clutter and distract from the bones of the room.

So now that your Dining Room is back to its original glory, cook up a meal, kick back and share it with your family. The memories made in the Dining Room are often the lasting ones. Oh, and don't forget to ENJOY!

(Photo Courtesy of Good Housekeeping)